is a
specialized company of high performance Polyimide
film and
tape material. We established since 1999, provide Polyimide film
and tape material all around the world. One of the leading
supplier of
film, adhesive tape and heat seal polyimide
tape through high quality, superior delivery, rapid response and
providing our customers with the most cost effective solution
for their applications.
High Performance Insulation Material - Polyimide Film
film is one the highest insulation grade material in the world
with very high heat-durability and heat-stability. It can be
used at both high and low temperatures where other organic
material would not be functional. Polyimide film can maintain
excellent physical, chemical, electrical and mechanical
properties over a very wide temperature range.
Polyimide film will not sustain or propagate flame. It will not produce any
smoke when exposed to rated at -220˘XC to 260˘XC (-364˘XF to 500˘XF)
for continuous service, Polyimide film can function for brief
periods after exposure to temperatures up to 400˘XC (752˘XF). It
also retains its high dielectric strength even at elevated
temperatures and performs well at - 220˘XC (-364˘XF) without
becoming brittle.
It is now broadly used in the fields of electronics, electrical
appliances, energy and transportation.